Friday, May 20, 2011


Hi everybody!

As some of you may know, my life has pretty much been consumed by the All Over Albany Startup Grant competition for the past couple weeks. Now that it's over, I'm starting to work on the business again... and I really mean, work ON the business.

I'm always reading books on business; best practices when it comes to planning, managing, running, doing the books, etc. I'm on one particularly practical, useful book right now, and it's helping me to develop a clear vision of where Co-Original Creations is headed - AND figure out the steps I need to take to get it there.

In the meantime, I am still in need of funding... so I'm putting this out there: if any of you who read this hear about any more small business grants/competitions/anything else of the sort that you think I'd benefit from, please - let me know. I'll be doing my homework too, so it may be something I've already heard about and started to work on... but tell me anyway! There could always be something I missed.

I've also started to plan alternative routes to get my goods known. Next week I will be making appointments (by any means possible - begging, pleading, crying...) with the chefs at Brown's Taproom, as well as the Ilium Cafe and possibly one or 2 other local places (and requests or suggestions are appreciated as well!!!) to see if I might be able to sell them on the idea of trying out my desserts on their menus. Yes, there will be samples. No, I will not tell you exactly when I'm going. ;-)

This was a great learning experience for me, and I believe both myself and the business have benefited. I started out 2011 with high hopes, and I will continue to work hard through the rest of the year so they may be realized.

That said - check this out!! Another combo garage-bake sale! No, we're not baking in the garage...!/event.php?eid=214000551957115

Have a great weekend, kids!


Thursday, May 5, 2011


Cooriginal Creations

Beverly Carrubba

Kitchen space rental for a start-up cheesecake business

Nevermind the typos, kids... my original submissions were flawless. ;-) Vote and vote some more!!


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Benefit Garage/Bake Sale last Saturday!

Jessy enjoying a Chocolate Stout cupcake!
Muffins, cupcakes and lemonade...
Gracie playing her violin for us
 All in all, a lovely day. I got a tan too!